Introducing Natasha Manganaro, participant from the Lyric Theatre and Fighting Words NI project, The Right Twig. This National Encourage a Young Writer Day we are finding out more about Natasha, and other young writers to learn more about their inspirations, experiences and work:
I'm Natasha Manganaro, 18, half Italian. In my work I always love featuring points of activism, queer story lines, diversity/being different, and some punk style and attitude!
What does writing mean to you?
Writing gives me an opportunity to use my voice, such as with activism, hopefully leaving people with something to ponder afterwards. I find that through writing I'm always learning new things about myself, and travelling down different routes in my brain that I never knew existed.
What would you say to someone thinking about giving writing a go?
Just do it, take the risk, what have you got to lose. just get it all down on paper, then make it beautiful in the next draft.
What is your favourite excerpt from something you have written?
"Just having the balls to be ourselves is the most rebellious thing we can do"