Debra is an Actor, Drama Facilitator and Youth Theatre Director born and bred in Belfast. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Drama from Queen’s University and further trained at The Acting Studio, New York in their Conservatory. She just completed her 6th year in Pantomime with GBL Productions and is starring in a new show with Replay Theatre Company for the Belfast Children’s Festival in March.
Last year she starred in The Crack in Everything by Jo Egan with Macha Productions which was performed at The Playhouse, Derry before travelling to The Parliament Buildings in Westminster and The Irish Embassy to perform the testimonies of the lives of six young people killed during The Troubles. She stars in Runny Honey with Spanner in the Works looking at women in the prison system within Northern Ireland which won Best Production at the Buxton Fringe. She can be heard on The Mac website in several of their audio plays for NINOW100 project. Debra has recently started to delve into other areas of theatre-making including Operator on Rhino by Tinderbox Theatre Company that was performed at The Lyric in October and was included in The Stage’s Top 50 Shows of 2023 in UK and Ireland.
This is her first-time being Assistant to the Director on a production and she is absolutely delighted to learn and discover more moving parts to a creative process.