Rhiann Jeffrey

Rhiann is a Freelance Theatre Director and Associate Director for Prime Cut Productions. Recent directing credits include; 'This Sh*t Happens All The Time' by Amanda Verlaque, produced by the Lyric Theatre, 'Ensemble: Symbols' for Prime Cut Productions, 'Distortion' by Amanda Verlaque for the Mac Theatre, 'Blowing Minds' by Rosemary Jenkinson as part of SIX by Brassneck, a short film by Jan Carson 'The Pause Between Now and Next' for the Irish Arts Centre, New York, in association with the Lyric Theatre, 'On the Street Where We Live' an 8-part audio play produced by The Mac, 'Belfast 2050: Under the Albert Clock' produced by the Lyric Theatre in association with Origin Theatre Company (New York Times Critics Pick), 'Life From Time,' a short film by Caoileann Curry-Thomspon, 'No Explanation' a short film by Kyron Bourke, 'VERGE' new play readings for Prime Cut Productions, 'Glory: Desire' for NI Opera Studio, 'The Right Twig' for Fighting Words, 'The Tempest' for Rose Bruford College and 'Everyday I Wake Up Hopeful,’ by John Patrick Higgins for Prime Cut Productions.