Got a query not covered here?
Got a query not covered here? Ask away on email or call 028 9038 1081.
Book tickets online 24 hours a day.
Call our Box Office on 028 9038 1081, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm (times will vary when performances are on).
For details on our exchange and refund policies, see our Terms and Conditions.
We usually don’t know the exact running time of a show until previews or opening night. After this you can find the information on the show pages of the relevant production in the What’s On section. A week before opening, you can always speak to the Box Office who may be able give you an approximate running time.
Absolutely. Drop us a line and we’ll have a look through the archives to see if we have one available.
Babe-in-arms tickets are available for children under the age of two years old who do not require their own seat. This ticket is free of charge and must be booked through Box Office.
Most of the images and photography are only available to us for publicity and marketing. Therefore, it is unlikely you will be able to reproduce them without purchasing the usage rights. If you have a query about using an image, please email and we will try our best to assist you.
We work closely with a small number of photographers and often specific photographers are used at the request of a director. You are very welcome to send us an online link to your portfolio and we will keep your details on file for future use. Send the details to
All vacancies are advertised on the jobs section of our website.
We are currently reviewing our student placement policy but any available placements will be advertised in the jobs section of our website.
Our award-winning Creative Learning department run different projects and initiatives for young audiences. These range from school workshops and residencies to weekly drama classes. Find out more about the range of workshops and training programmes on our Creative Learning section.
The Lyric accepts scripts during specific call periods throughout the year. Check out New Writing for updates on these call dates.
As a registered charity we have very limited resources. However, we try to offer non-financial support when we can. Contact our Marketing team with a letter from your chosen charity (including charity number), and we will do our best to help.
As a registered charity, fundraising is a lifeline for us. You can make a donation online or over the phone.
You’ll find details of the different ways you can support the Lyric with our productions, theatre arts and learning programmes here.
All gift vouchers and account credit that expired between 16th March 2020 and 21st June 2021 have been extend to 30th June 2022.