We are so saddened to hear about the passing of Kitty Neeson, a tremendous lady and friend of the Lyric, and mother of our patron Liam, and our dear friends Bernadette, Rosaleen and Elizabeth.
The Lyric held a special place for Kitty. Rosaleen told us that "she loved the Lyric opening nights, in fact they were her favourite evenings, as they were for family and friends. The welcome she was given in the theatre was outstanding and while she never liked “fuss”, she was always very proud to be there and for Liam to have contributed to the life of the Lyric. "
Liam has been patron of the Lyric for many years, having, like many of our most-famous actors, cut his teeth on the Lyric stage early in his career under the guidance of Mary O'Malley. He often credits the Lyric with helping to launch him on the path to international success.
We send our deepest sympathies to Liam, Bernadette, Rosaleen and Elizabeth, her extended family and wide circle of friends at this time.